Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Ward AutomotiveLast week we talked about the sleazy mechanics who are out there ripping people off left and right.  But the customers who tend to be most vulnerable to such scams are women.  With the automotive industry being heavily male-dominated, female customers are too often mistreated.  They are looked down upon for their femininity and assumed lack of knowledge about cars.

No customer ever deserves to be scammed!  To avoid the expensive pitfalls of auto repair scams, take a look at our list of the 5 biggest lies mechanics tell to women:   

Lie #1: Telling you that you need certain parts replaced that don’t actually need to be replaced.
This is one of the easiest ways that a mechanic can take advantage of you.  So how can you protect yourself from this scam?  Ask that the mechanic point out exactly what needs to be replaced and why.  If you get the feeling that you’re being scammed, take your car to another shop for a second opinion.  It might feel like a hassle, but it could potentially save you a good chunk of money.
Lie #2: Telling you that they replaced certain parts that they didn’t.
This is one of the oldest mechanic tricks in the book and one of the sleaziest.  They’ll charge you for a replacement on parts, but they won’t do anything at all.  One way you can protect yourself from this scam is to ask for the old parts back.  You can also ask to see the replaced part so that you can do a visual comparison.
Lie #3: Telling you that they used factory parts, when they really used aftermarket parts.
This is a really tough scam to spot—even for the experts in the business.  One way to prevent being taken advantage of is to ask for a guarantee in writing that the parts used are Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). 
Lie #4: Telling you that your car is due for certain services that it doesn’t really need.
The best way to avoid this scam is to make sure you read your owner’s manual.  Get to know your car well and learn when the manufacturer recommends your services.  Also be sure to keep track of all the work your car has ever had.  When you are armed with all of this information, it will be tough for someone to take advantage of you.
Lie #5: Telling you that something costs more than it should.
Once again, the best way to combat this scam is to get a second opinion.  Make sure you ask for an itemized estimate so that you can also do research online.  The web can be a great resource for pricing out both parts and labor for common car problems. 

Source: www.wardautomotive.net

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